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Wie gut, dass wir darüber geredet haben

Wie gut, dass wir darüber geredet haben
Wie gut, dass wir darüber geredet haben
© Julia Bernhard & avant-verlag, 2019

Wie gut, dass wir darüber geredet habenbyJulia Bernhard


The title is blatantly ironic, because although there is plenty of talking going on here, much of it even quite personal, no one seems to really be listening. In various scenes, Julia Bernhard's protagonist gets together with people who should actually take an interest in her; the grandmother, a girlfriend, a lover, but in fact there are few signs of any such interest. Instead she is spoken at with empty words and platitudes to such an extent that reading becomes uncomfortable. “Wie gut dass wir darüber geredet haben” is nonetheless a pleasure to read because Julia Bernhard consistently juxtaposes the superficial dialogue with beautiful illustrations. All of her conversation partners are so attractive and sensitive that one would like to be included in their social networks. With this gap between polished surfaces on the one side, and abysmal disinterest of the human being facing you on the other, Julia Bernhard has produced a humor that takes up where Woody Allen left off, in a contemporary setting.